Friday, February 15, 2008

Acne Skin Care

There it is. Smack-dab in the center of your nose. What ever you do, don't touch it! When they're swollen like that, touching them can be painful. And no matter how badly you want pinch, squeeze, poke or pop that sucker, you'd better think twice before doing so. I know you've heard the redundant tales about scaring and making it worse. So, what do you do with that nasty zit? How can you venture out into the public with that foul whitehead protruding from the center of your face? No one would feel comfortable in school or work like this. And you'd better believe people would stare like crazy. After all, that is what people do. What you need is an effective acne skincare system that prevents such atrocities like this.

Check out the vast array of possible acne solutions. I say possible, because not every one of these products and treatments will work for you. That's just the way it is. People have different skin types, which require different treatments. In all honesty, some "acne skincare remedies" will only make your affliction worse. I'll never forget the very first pimple product I tried in high school. It was called Oxy 10. You may have seen this stuff back in the early 90s. Supposedly it zaps zits on impact. Haa, what a joke! I smeared some of this cream on my pimples before bed one night and woke up with what looked like a sun burn. The product was too powerful for my delicate skin apparently. It left me with red patches, which looked even worse. Yes sir, I tried a variety of acne skincare treatments before finding one that really worked for me. The treatment I currently feel works the best is Proactive Solution. This is a basic acne skincare regimen that keeps the process simple. You have a face cleanser, a toner to follow it, and then you finish the routine with a preventative moisturizer. Within no time your complexion will be back to the way it should be.

Take a gander at what's on the market today. You'll soon notice that there are more acne skincare remedies than you can shake a stick at. If you truly want immediate results, your best bet may be the local dermatologist. He/she can address your particular skin condition and prescribe the necessary treatments. You may even benefit from an oral acne skincare treatment.

Acne herbal Remedies

Despite a person’s age, one of the most frustrating conditions to deal with is acne. Although we often label this as a teenager’s problem, it’s something that can last well into adulthood. In fact, some people struggle with acne their entire lives. Finding products that work in relieving and treating the symptoms can be a challenge. Many of the well-known treatments are filled with abrasive chemicals that can irritate the sensitive skin of the face. A better alternative that seems to work well for many are the range of acne herbal remedies.

There are many misconceptions regarding why some people are more prone to blemishes than others. We’ve all heard that not washing your face often enough, or eating chocolate can both lead to breakouts. Although the cause of each individual case may vary, treatments usually work well regardless of what’s at the root of the acne. Both acne herbal remedies and traditional treatments are designed to combat the blemishes and make them disappear.

Researching the available treatments is fairly simple with the convenience of the Internet. Some natural products can be difficult to find so it’s a good idea to stick to acne herbal remedies that are readily available. There are actually many techniques that can be used to combat this skin condition that involve products or items that you may already have in your own home.

Toothpaste is actually a product that can do much more than just keep your teeth clean and white. Although many people don’t view it as falling into the acne herbal remedies category, it does. A small amount of toothpaste placed on a blemish before going to bed can help dry it out more quickly. The best toothpaste to use is one that is mint flavored. Stay away from the colored pastes or those that have mouthwash in them.

Strawberry leaves offer some extra benefits for women when it comes to treating this annoying skin problem. Acne herbal remedies that use strawberry leaves just require the woman to wash her face as she normally would and then lay the leaves on the areas where the blemishes are. The leaves have a soothing quality to them which can remove some of the swelling that often occurs with a break-out.

Lemon juice is something that can be found anywhere and has been shown to be effective for some in battling acne. When using lemon juice as one of the acne herbal remedies opt for fresh lemons and squeeze them yourself. Apply the fresh juice to any blemishes. The acid in the juice will help dry the pimple more quickly and you’ll have a clearer complexion in no time at all.