Monday, April 28, 2008

Skin Care For Acne

You've tried an array of on-the-spot treatments, gels, cleansers, and astringents that promise the world, but none of this stuff seems to work. Hey, guess what? Big surprise! The truth is when it comes skin care for acne; the majority of it fails to work properly. Sure, it may work on some random individual somewhere, but the important aspect is that it's NOT working for you. This is a problem! What you need is an acne solution that really gets the job done right. A pimple remedy that literally clears up your complexion without over-drying your delicate skin. Now, is that really too much to ask for?

Different products work for different people. If you were to approach me and say that you're seeking skin care for acne that really works like it's supposed to, I'd tell you to first see a dermatologist. This is a crucial step. If it is possible, try and seek the advice of a professional first. He/she can give you the rundown on your particular skin type and current afflictions. In all likelihood the dermatologist will make a few suggestions regarding your diet and cleansing process, and proceed in prescribing you a powerful treatment. Maybe it will consist of a topical cream like Differin and/or an oral medication that works from the inside out. In most cases this will get rid of acne problems or at least dramatically reduce them. A second route to effective skin care for acne is Proactive Solution. I know you've heard the spiel before. These infomercials play redundantly on television. If it's not Jessica Simpson hyping the product, it's Kelly Clarkson. Well, it clearly worked for these two and thousands of others. Chances are it's the skin care for acne you've been searching high and low for all these years.

One crucial point to remember is not overdoing it. Many teenagers and adults, who are afflicted with severe acne, resort to harsh cleansing routines. Maybe they wash their face with powerful acne cleansing products up to four or five times each day. This is too much and will result in over-drying, and more acne breakouts. The best skin care for acne doesn't always require the most work. Be gentle with your mug and it will clear up faster.

Does Proactiv Work

One of the most traumatic experiences that a teenager can suffer through is skin acne. Although many kids only have acne on the backs or chests, others aren’t as lucky and find their faces fraught with pimples. For them it can be difficult to even look in the mirror, much less go to school or attend a social function. Finding a solution to this problem is very high on their priority list. Quite often they’ll want to try any product that claims to offer results. This can be anything from creams purchased at drugstores, home remedies or even items offered on infomercials. One such remedy is Proactiv and many kids all have the same question before buying and that is “does Proactiv work?”

If you’ve seen a television commercial for this product you are likely well aware of how many celebrities endorse it. Any questions you have regarding does Proactiv work can be answered by viewing the images that flash across the screen showing the before and after results. The “before” pictures typically depict a face full of blemishes, while the “after” reveals a much clearer complexion. Not only are there celebrities touting the benefits of this acne remedy but many everyday folks just like you and I offer their own stories of triumph as well. Once you see a television commercial or a magazine ad, you’ll realize that there’s no question about does Proactiv work well.

The system was actually developed by doctors so that in itself speaks to the quality of the product. The key to how does Proactiv work so well is in the three steps that all need to be done together. If you miss one of the steps, your results won’t be nearly as good as they could be. Some people balk at the price of the system, but it’s important to remember that the promise of clearer skin is well worth the cost.

You can purchase it in one of several ways. If you buy the system directly from the company’s website you can be put on a mailing list which automatically bills your credit card and sends out a new system kit every three months. If you are new to the product it’s advisable that you purchase just one kit so you can see does Proactiv work for you. After a few weeks you should begin seeing some noticeable results in the number and frequency of blemishes.

Don’t be at all surprised if you see really miraculous results. Many people do and they continue to use the system for years. Friends will be inclined to ask what you used and once you tell them, they’ll want to know does Proactiv work that well? All you need to do is explain to them that you are a living and breathing example of how well does Proactiv work and they’ll be buying and using their own kits.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Different Kinds Of Acne Treatments

When it comes to your skin, the battle against acne may very well be one of the toughest challenges that you will face in your lifetime. Resistant to treatment, severe acne can have devastating consequences both social and cosmetic. Fortunately, though, great strides have been made where acne is concerned, and it has never been easier to get rid of acne than it is today.

There are several different kinds of acne treatments that you can choose from including homemade, store bought and prescribed. If cost is a factor, a homemade acne treatment is your best bet. Many department store products are also fairly inexpensive and bring about great results. So, what's better, homemade or store bought? Nearly 80 percent of people who tried department store acne treatments reported an improvement in their acne condition. Those who chose a homemade acne treatment also reported a great improvement in their skin. This means that personal preference, cost and convenience are the deciding factors.

There are numerous types of homemade acne treatments ranging from the very simple to the complex. Here are just a few examples:

* Witch Hazel - Witch hazel is great to use as an astringent. After cleansing, simply dampen a cotton ball with witch hazel and rub over the surface of the skin.

* Baking Soda - A thick paste of baking soda and warm water will help reduce redness and itching when applied to skin affected by acne.

* Oatmeal - A similar paste of oatmeal makes a great homemade acne treatment.

* Egg White - A masque consisting of one stiffly beaten egg white along with a few drops of witch hazel and lemon juice is also a great treatment.

The last three treatments mentioned should be applied and left to remain on the skin for about 15 minutes. Once enough time has passed, simply wash the solution away with warm water. Witch hazel astringent should be left to evaporate on the skin.

Do these treatments work? As mentioned before, many people have experienced an improvement in their acne condition after using homemade treatments. Keep in mind, though, that not all treatments will work for everyone. If a homemade acne treatment fails to work for you, you should look into other alternatives. As with all treatments, consistency is key. Treatments will have little or no success if you use them only here and there. Be sure to develop a skin care routine and stick with it for the best results.

Effective Homemade Remedies For Acne Cure

A hope has always existed in the hearts of acne sufferers with a belief that there really are home cures for acne. Well, worry not my fellow victims of acne, for I have with me 3 effective homemade acne remedies that will help you become more radiant and confident once again and live in the open atmosphere of this beautiful planet.

So without wasting any more time, let’s get down with my 3 favorite home cures for acne.

- Honey

Follow the simple rule of drinking honey and wearing honey daily. By making this a daily routine, the speeding process of acne termination will become a daily routine as well until you achieve the radiant skin with an attractive complexion.

PS: Wearing Honey does not mean you literally wear it instead of your garments! You need to apply honey on infected areas on your skin.

Do not skip honey as a cure because it may not be homemade but it sure is a very effective home cure for acne.

- Grated Cucumber Juice

This may sound like something that works only for females, but it is NOT! It works on both genders. Applying grated cucumber juice on the infected areas is a highly recommended acne treatment and it is more effective in getting rid of blackheads.

- Sandalwood and Basil Paste.

Sandalwood and Basil paste is a very effective home cure for acne and it also helps improve your complexion and reduce the visibility of acne scars. Apply this paste on your skin for 10-15 minutes till it dries up and then you can wash it off.

In conclusion to this short article, I have made available to you three effective home cures for acne; Honey, Grated Cucumber Juice and Sandalwood + Basil Paste. It is up to you to start taking action or wait for that miraculous cure.

By following these three home cures for acne you are no doubt very close to an acne free skin and a better and a confident life.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Investigate the homemade acne treatment

Acne can be enormously stressful; our skin can say so much about us and when we don’t look our best it can impact many areas of our lives. Those who suffer from acne are of all ages, genders, and ethnicities. But the common thread between all these groups is the commitment to battle and defeat the skin affliction that holds them hostage.

Acne treatments also come in various sizes, shapes, and prices. Acne sufferers flock to stores and dermatologists in droves – all focused on finding that one acne treatment that will work for them. But there are other sources of treatment that don’t require pricey purchases and trips to the doctor; the homemade acne treatment that requires only natural ingredients that can often be found right in your kitchen.

To investigate the homemade acne treatment you must first understand the cause of acne itself. Acne results from oil blockages in the pores of the skin; when an excess of oil blocks pores, the skin begins to trap dirt and bacteria causing acne to develop. Often times, addressing acne means addressing the general cleansing of the skin. The homemade acne treatment can be a viable, cost-effective way to thoroughly cleanse skin and eliminate acne.

Using lemon juice as a homemade acne treatment can be quite effective. Lemon juice acts as an astringent, sloughing away oil and drying out pores. Since lemon also contains Vitamin C, it addresses any vitamin deficiencies that the skin may be experiencing.

The same process can be used with garlic juice, mint juice, and many other natural products. A simple application at bedtime will allow your skin to experience all the benefits of the homemade acne treatment overnight. In addition to cleansing and treating your acne, some homemade acne treatments have been shown to minimize acne scarring.

For a comprehensive list of products that can be used as a homemade acne treatment, go online. The Internet can be an amazing resource for finding all you need to know about making your own homemade acne treatment. A small amount of research can be well worth the effort.

When it comes to dealing with your acne, treatments can be varied and complex. Yet sometimes, the best approach is the simplest. For an affordable, natural approach to acne, try a homemade acne treatment. Before you know it, you’ll have the clean and clear skin to show for it.

Natural Acne treatments

Treatments for acne can begin from your kitchen. There are several vegetables and fruits which can be used to cure acne.

Most people are not convinced about the effectiveness of the homemade acne treatments. But if you check the ingredients of popular medicines for acne you will find that most of them consist of substances found in common vegetables and fruits. Acne is the result of the lack of vital vitamins like Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Pantothenic Acid. Deficiency in these vitamins leads to the growth of bacteria that clogs the skin oil. This in turn leads to acne. Most of the medicines try to replenish the essential vitamins, which can be easily got by filling your diet with vegetable and fruits containing those vitamins.

Keeping the skin clean is an important part in the acne treatment. Cleaning the skin with lemon is an effective acne treatment. Lemon is used for several purposes mainly due to the presence of citric acid. The citric acid has several essential properties required to kill the harmful bacteria. Rub lemon on your skin before going to sleep and you will find a clear skin in the morning. Similarly, you can get rid of acne scars by applying tomato slice. Applying garlic on the spots is another effective homemade acne treatment. Mint juice also can remove skin lesions and scars.

Other homemade acne treatments include applying the paste of orange peels. This paste cleans the skin and fights harmful bacteria. Application of raw papayas can also bring relief to acne. Daily application of tea tree oil, coconut oil, lavender oil and jojoba oil before bathing for an hour can reduce acne. Including large amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet and drinking lot of water are part of acne treatment.

The success of homemade acne treatments depends on the dedication shown by the person. Simply rubbing lemon or tomato for a day will not cure acne. All home made acne treatments should be strictly followed for over a period of time.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Advanced Acne Skin Care Treatment

Even with advanced acne skin treatment available, many people still do not take the steps necessary to treat and alleviate their acne condition. Why? Many believe that acne treatments are too harsh on the skin and cause more damage than allowing the acne to run its course, but this couldn't be further from the truth.

The truth is that it is extremely important to treat acne. Left untreated, acne can permanently damage and severely scar the skin. Untreated acne can also lead to secondary skin infections that can be both painful and dangerous. For these reasons, it is extremely important to treat acne conditions at their onset before they can cause irreparable damage.

There are several different types of acne treatments available ranging from mild cleansers and moisturizers to intense, spot treatments. The main ingredients of these treatments normally include varying amounts of the following: salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid. The goal of any acne skin treatment is to improve the condition of the skin making it inhabitable for the bacteria that leads to the development of acne.

Are acne treatments harsh? They can be. Any one of the above active ingredients can contribute to drying, irritation and redness of the skin. If you have overly sensitive skin, an acne skin treatment may cause you to develop a tender, red and itchy chemical rash. But this is rare, and irritation from an acne skin treatment normally means one thing: you are using the wrong product for your skin.

Not all acne treatments are created equal. They have different active ingredients in varying strengths. Using a treatment that is too strong for your skin type or acne condition is usually what causes irritation. In some cases, you may be allergic to the main ingredient making it necessary to switch products. So, how do you know which products are right for you?

Keep in mind that more is not better when it comes to acne treatments. Be careful not to over treat your skin. If you have a mild case of acne, a few eruptions daily, you probably only need a mild acne cleanser and moisturizer. If your skin is extremely oily, you may need to add an astringent or oil-absorbing lotion. Never over medicate and only use intense spot treatments when absolutely necessary.

If you find that your acne skin treatment is irritating your skin, it is time to scale it back or change treatments completely. Do not continue to use the treatment thinking that the irritation will subside. Acne medications should not be harsh. The medication that is right for you will leave your skin moisturized, healthy and gorgeous.